Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Proper Vocal Technique

For all of you singers (or wannabe singers out there), you can now take lessons on Youtube with highly qualified professionals. The following is a teacher I highly recommend. I suggest you do not watch this around a lot of people unless you want them wondering what in the world you are watching.

This is actually an actress named Coleen Ballinger that has a vlog with this character named Miranda. Check out her Voice Lesson clip on Youtube. So many people take her seriously (because she is very similar to other "singers" on Youtube).


Amy Mak said...

that was painful

Clin A. Eaton said...

Painfully brilliant.

Arianne said...

Wow. It would take a lot of work to sing that bad. The funny thing is, there are so many singers like that on youtube!

When can we see your music video?

Emmy said...

Ben was happy to find a good voice teacher! Thanks Miranda!