Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So this morning I realized I was out of deodorant/antiperspirant. This will not do on a day I have parent teacher conferences. So, I borrowed my wife's. I thought it would be fine because it was labeled unscented. That is a lie. Every so often, I caught a whiff of honeysuckle with a hint of tulip- and after looking around my immediate personal space, I realized it was me. So, either Secret "unscented" is a lie, or when mixed with my particular pheromones, I smell like Temple Square in April.

Unrelated topic: 2 moments of laugher till I cried :When the baby was presented in tonight's episode of Modern Family, and the footbal team in Glee performing Single Ladies on the field. Hulu them immediately. They were great.


Jacks said...

It's true, unscented really smells good. So I'm sure everyone enjoyed your presence yesterday. Really.

Amy Mak said...

THAT is funny!

Arianne said...

Better temple square than BO for the parents!