Sunday, November 9, 2008

New York Adventure Day #5

On a crisp, clean Sunday morning, Jackie and I awoke in our hotel room and packed up all of our stuff for the plane ride home- but we would not be leaving until we ate a little more of New York City.
After getting our luggage held in baggage and checking out, we went to Le Pain Quotidien a New York bakery for breakfast. After walking in a brisk, cold wind, we stood in line with half of New York for Belgian hot chocolate, cheese and bread and a pistachio pastry.
After that, it was time to search for chocolate. As we walked up the Upper West Side (with thousands of people going to Central Park for a huge breast cancer awareness run), I saw a kid that looked familiar. I approached him (and his dad) and discovered it was the lead of the musical 13 that we had seen earlier on Thursday. He was a nice kid and he said hello. After that, we headed up by Gray's Papaya (where we had eaten a hot dog with tons of drama kids over the summer) to Jacques Torres Chocolate. After wanting to eat everything there, we decided on a couple of truffles- then it was off to Peanut Butter & Company.
After waiting for what seemed hours for a subway (and then missing our stop because of doziness on our part), we reached the village where peanut butter goodness lives.
We got our sandwiches to go (perfect airplane food) and it was off to the hotel.
After a horrible cab ride (where I really thought Jackie was going to vomit all over myself and our driver), we reached the JetBlue terminal.

We ate our final New York slice of pizza, met Kelly from The Office before our terminal changed (she has bright pink luggage and likes to eat a salad), read the Sunday New York Times, watched DirectTV on our flight home and got back to good old Lehi, Utah around 9:00pm where the kids were asleep and Jackie's Mom was packed and ready to go the next morning. All in all, a whirlwind trip that Jackie's bowels are still talking about.

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