Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So last night (after a sold-out performance of RAGS), I was brushing my teeth with a new toothbrush.  Jackie comes in and asks, "Where did you get that toothbrush?"  I replied, out by the stereo- I think it's the one I got from my dentist last month (as I suddenly realized it was not boxed up- and that my mouth felt strange...).  Jackie replies, "it looks exactly like the toothbrush I clean the sink with."
I think my teeth are a little extra bleachy today.


Arianne said...

Why pay the dentist to whiten your teeth when you can do it at home for free? I'm going to look for that extra sparkle in your smile the next time I see you.

Also, I went to your dentist today--I liked the office a lot.

Jacks said...

Um, and you failed to mention that you told me it was boxed, and you had taken it out of the box. And I said are you sure? You kept saying yes. This morning I found a brand new toothbrush with the dentist bag next to it on our counter. Hmmmm....and it's the same color as mine---

Clin A. Eaton said...

In my defense, I had just played the piano for 2 straight hours. That's all I got. It's funny it's the same color as yours...they just gave it to me.

Kelsey Eaton said...

Hahahaha! I cannot stop giggling over this.

Family Dental said...

Brushing your teeth is an important part of your oral hygiene routine.So taking care of your mouth and teeth is an important part of overall health.

Thank you,
Best Family and Cosmetic Dentist in Kailua