Thursday, December 18, 2008

Family Moments 2008

It's the time of year where I look back at things I vividly remember over 2008. I'll do other categories (books, movies, tv, theatre, etc.) later.
Jackie Moment #1: Laying in bed in March, sick as could be with the flu. I had taken a gallon of Nyquil, thrown the girls in bed and was passed out in an alcohol-induced stupor. I vaguely remember Jackie telling me she was going roller-skating with the Young Women in our ward. 3 hours later, I hear Jackie weeping in the room (I think I thought I was hallucinating- or was dead and was being taken to heaven by a bi-polar angel). She was holding her elbow in great pain. She had fallen (on her skates) and was in a great deal of pain. She then took an Advil and tried to sleep. At 1:00am she woke up and said she needed to go to the hospital. Because I was not fit to drive, she drove herself to the hospital, found out her elbow was fractured, drove home, took her pain medicine and passed out next to me. That was a fun week.
Jackie Moment #2: We're in San Diego. At the hotel. The girls and I are ready to go to Sea world. Jackie is in the shower (with the above broken elbow). We hear a crash- Millie and I run in to see Jackie had fallen and couldn't get up. She wasn't able to catch herself because of her elbow. Ellis then contributed to the situation by coming into the bathroom and fowling herself.
Jackie Moment #3: Bursting into tears on our first night alone in New York City because our room was a smoking room.
Millie Moment #1: Millie singing (in church), "Too Many Rings Around Rosie" (from No No Nanette) at the top of her lungs. (also, screaming I Am A Child of God in sacrament meeting).
Millie Moment #2: Pooping her pants in nursery and not saying anything- just sitting in the middle of the room not moving for 1 hour.
Millie Moment #3: Going with me early in the morning to get Jackie's birthday gifts- and serving breakfast in bed to mom.
Millie Moment #4: Singing Defying Gravity in the kitchen and ending the number by laying dramatically on the floor and raising one leg into the air.
Ellis Moment #1: Barfing all over me 2 minutes before we leave to get a babysitter to go out.
Ellis Moment #2: Learning to do a car seat dance to the Mika CD.
Extended Family Moments: Renae (Jackie's mom) taking me to Insta-Care on her birthday. And buying me delicious grape juice for my bronchitis.
Renae watching the girls while Jackie and I jet off to NYC.
Driving my Mom and Dad's van to Jackson Hole (and having Ellis barf in it outside of Logan).
Seeing Mamma Mia! with Greg and Judy in Wyoming
Seeing The Dark Knight with Greg and Judy in Wyoming
Eating at the chocolate place (with the crazy chef) in Wyoming
River rafting with the Summers in Wyoming
Moving furniture at my parent's house for new carpet
Having my parents watch the girls while we went to NYC with students
Having Renae find a bug in her salad in NYC
Listening to Ray snore in our room in NYC (poor guy was sick for the first 3 days of the trip)
Listening to Avery (my cousin) act shocked at Boeing-Boeing in NYC (but also laughing hysterically)
My mom running around the house at Thanksgiving thinking the house was burning down- only to find that Andrew (my cousin, not my dad) had put Tim's mission pics in the fireplace vents.
Peach Days with my parents- and how the canal was more interesting then the parade.
Playing Blokus and Ticket to Ride with family
Introducing Guitar Hero to Bim (Krista's husband)- and get him quickly addicted.
Jackie Moment #4: jackie playing Guitar Hero so much, she breaks it.
Waiting in the rain in NYC with Arianne while looking for a restaurant with the Bob Cope family- only to have them loose their children.
Watching Project Runway with the Summers family in Wyoming
Oh yeah- Ellis also learned how to walk and talk as well this year (she did more than just expell bodily fluids).
And many others- add comments for things I've forgotten.


Sherry Carpet said...

thanks for sharing these moments. it was clearly a sweet, and painful, year.

ps - bim is getting guitar hero for christmas. it'll be the 1st time he's played it since your house.

Jacks said...

Oh, S.C. - prepare for addiction for all. Guitar Hero will sweep in and take over. There is nothing you can do.

Hmmm, other memories. I'm blanking now. Let me think and I'll get back to you.

Greg D said...

It sounds like all Ellis ever does is expel bodily fluids...

Jacks said...

And don't forget to bring home the music! Please!

Jacks said...
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