Sunday, January 5, 2014


In keeping with the not being super consistent with the whole blogging thing,  here is a list of things I did not accomplish (or even try for that matter) in 2013.
1.  From the look of it on Facebook,  I am the only person that did not go to Disneyland or World in 2013.  Now, I went in 2012, 2011 and 2010 (and maybe 2009... but I can't remember)... but not in 2013. 
2.  Get Lasik.  I am not a candidate.  This is from 3 different providers.  Even Hoopes in Utah who says that they can do it on everyone... can't do it on me.  I'm a candidate for contact implants but I know that Jackie will be able to feel the differences on my corneas-- even though they swear they will feel totally natural...
3.  Eat kale.  I know, I know... everyone's doing it... but me.
4.  See Kinky Boots.  I blame Jackie for this.  Everyone that stood next to her at the lottery in New York City got a $30 ticket... except me.  And her.
5.  Read 30 Shades of Grey.  I know this is totally 2012, but that's how behind I am on cool things.  I won a free book over the summer at our local library and nothing looked good- but they had the 3rd book in the Shade series.  I held it up and announced loudly to Jackie if I should get it.  She looked mortified and left me alone.  I briefly skimmed it but I think I think its a series that really deserves being read in chronological order.
6.  Tweet, instagram or start a podcast.  I like reading other peoples (except on my reality tv shows--stop doing it Bravo on Top Chef) but I think my old fashioned 1980's style cell phone would explode.
7.  Play the banjo, harpsichord or accordion.  Don't judge.
8.  Have an unpaid internship.  In my magazines and blogs, people were talking about rising up against their unpaid internships.  If anyone enjoys doing difficult, time consuming jobs for free, come and be a high school drama teacher.
9.  Fix our rusting basement window well.  One needs to have goals for 2014.  Plus we DID finish our basement bathroom.
10.  Learn to surf, can peaches, plant boysenberries, go see Eric Samuelsen's new play in Salt Lake, eat fondue, and many other things.  Good riddance 2013!!

1 comment:

Amy Mak said...

You didn't learn to can peaches or play the banjo????What's wrong with you, boy??? I'll forgive you if you come on out and play with the donkeys.

But you are watching Scandel. Haven't seen it. Am I missing out?