Things I've learned about this production:
1. I am the 2nd oldest person in our dressing room. Last night, the 3rd oldest was planning a playlist for his high school reunion.... from 2001. I am an old man in this cast.
2. The only way I can get through shows is with Ibuprofen- and even then, I have to time it right so it kicks in during Act 2 when all of the brothers are on their knees for what feels like 45 hours.
3. If my microphone is turned on during my lift with my show wife in One More Angel in Heaven, the audience will literally hear me chanting, Please Jesus, Please Jesus on rotation.
4. It is next to impossible to sing a High A while jumping up and down.
5. All sense of modesty and decorum goes out the window when you have exactly one verse of Close Every Door to do a complete costume change from head to toe.
6. You know everyone in the cast sweats a lot when Hale covers every microphone with a condom. The oldest guy in our dressing room (who has seven kids) thought the actor playing Joseph was playing a trick on him... it took some convincing that the condoms were not a joke.
7. You should have gotten tickets yesterday because they have added about 20 shows (on one weekend I get to do the Friday 7:30pm, 10:00pm and the Saturday 9:30am, 12:30pm, 4:00pm and 7:30pm. I will just have to have a IV drip with Ibuprofen...) because the regular shows are sold out.
But if you want to try to see it, it runs through the 24th of Sept. and I'm in the MWF Sat. 12:30pm matinee cast. It really is a good show (to quote Ellis- Age 4- she can see Joseph's boob in one song...) and I sweat a lot.
Sally actually gave me free passes when I interviewed her forever ago. I called to reserve my tickets, but couldn't finish the phone call because my children were biting my ankles. I'm trying again tomorrow-I hope to get in!
I'm glad you don't leave out that side of the audience. I hope it continues to go well - sweat on, my friend! And we'll give you some Ibuprofin for your birthday!
We're excited to see you! I'm happy we already have our tickets!
K, I'm coming Monday the 12th at 4PM. The nice lady on the phone promised a good time even if you weren't there!
I won't be there Mary because I'm having school musical auditions that day. Just imagine me whenever you see my double.
You will stay eternally young...to me...sorry about the knees. I think I'll need an IV drip too. What is happening to us? I about had a heartache when I heard your mother was turning SIXTY this summer. We're supposed to stay 15 and she's supposed to stay 39. Wish I could see the whole show - I'm sure you're fab! Don't drop that girl!
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