Sunday, August 16, 2009

August Update

So, we survived our road trip in our new minivan to Oregon and back. No one vomited or wet themselves (in the car at least) and, other then Jackie driving 45 minutes in the wrong direction on the freeway, we made good time.
Here are some highlights from the trip:
  • Going to Ray's favorite Thai food restaurant and eating really good curry.
  • Seeing the new Harry Potter movie with Bryan.
  • Having Millie become attached to a doll that whose head spins- each with a different face. I call it the Satan doll, but she loves it.
  • Jackie having to stop every 45 minutes for a toilet on the way home.
  • Eating at the grossest Jack in the Box ever in Burley, Idaho. When we went in, there was a note on the door that said they were out of 12 different menu items (including burger patties).
  • Getting donuts at VooDoo Donuts.
  • Geting confused playing Munchkin with family members.
  • Millie and Ellis playing in the downtown fountain with cousins (and random strangers)
  • Eating streetfood in Portland
  • Literally walking into our house, turning on the lights and having a bishopric member call us to speak in sacrament meeting the following Sunday. We think someone was watching the house.
  • Going to Seattle with Greg and Judy to see this:

Great performances- definately something to catch.

In celebration of Hale summer classes ending, I share this clip which combines 2 of my favorite things: Musical Theatre and Folk Singers from New Zealand:


Jacks said...

um, what about seeing Harry Potter with me?

Jacks said...

Um, I went to Seattle too.

Jacks said...

I was also at Thai food....