Friday, September 26, 2008


I kept a journal off and on from age 4 (1979) through high school. In an attempt to reminisce...understand myself....okay to come to terms with the 33 year old me, the following is a randomly chosen entry.
I was 10 when I wrote this. I think it is deeply significant and will give you the reader an insight into my personality.
I started a postcard collection today. I'm sick. My little brother bonked me on the head with a radio. We have a day off Monday. I couldn't enjoy Friday because I was sick.

I spent the night at Grandma Cope's and we laughed really hard (Editor's Note: probably me and my cousin's or sister- not me and Grandme Cope...) I peed my pants because I laughed so much and I told Grandma Jan I had spilled water. We had fun because we saw a Puff-And-Stuff movie.


Jacks said...

Pee-pee pants jerk! I shall not be mocked. I'm so not in the mood. And just because I was not an interesting child does not mean you have to rub it in my face.

Jacks said...

And now I throw the Risk pieces onto the floor. Everywhere. And then I run to my room and slam the door.

Clin A. Eaton said...
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Clin A. Eaton said...

Oh, I think you were a VERY interesting child...

Judy Tan said...

Jackie should have watched H.R. Puff and Stuff..........he's your friend when things get rough

Bryan Summers said...

Was that satire or a real journal. I thought it was real but after reading the comments, I don't know.

Clin A. Eaton said...

Every word came from my 10 year old hand. Jackie is and has always been my muse.

Judy Tan said...

Is that your way of saying that she inspires some very creative language?