Saturday, June 7, 2008

Things I've Learned...

1. ...while Jackie is on Atkins to fit into her NYC clothes for our trip this week:
No-carb cheesecake is revolting- and will give you the trots (except for Millie- who is so stopped up that whenever I approach her she runs away saying "no glycerin!" thinking I'm about to give her a glycerin enema)- but isn't her vocab great for a three-year old? Hopefully that will offset the psychological trauma that will no doubt occur due to her constipation and fear of the toilet.

2. Since Jackie's been on this diet, all I've craved are: pasta, bread, sugar, rice, etc.- everything she can't have- but when I go to get a treat, all I find are diet soda and sugar-free chocolates- however, if I want a treat, Jackie will happily wrap a stick of butter with bacon and fry that up as a treat.
3. ...while watching movies. Jackie and I are now ready to join the Drug Enforcement Agency because we feel fully trained. Over the past 30 days, we've watched (by coincidence), The Wire: Seasons 2-4 (this series shows the effect of drugs on the city of Baltimore and how it affects the poor, education, politics, etc.- it is amazingly well written), Cocaine Cowboys (a documentary about Miami in the 80's told from dealers and law enforcement), Weeds Season 3 (a show about a suburban mom who sells pot in a California community), Sister Helen (a Sundance documentary about a nun in the Bronx that runs a housing community for recovering male addicts. If you want to see what Jackie will be like in 50 years, look at Sister Helen), and American Gangster (the movie with Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington- based on a true story about a drug trafficker in NYC in the 70's- interesting but too long). Now, this was not intentional, but I guess May was Drug Awareness Month in the Eaton household.
4. ...while getting a group of 66 ready to go to New York City. The group itself is great, but Jackie and I got burned badly by our travel agency in 2006 (in a nutshell, three days before departure, the travel agency went bankrupt and Jackie and I had to pull a trip for 42 out of the air in 3 days- but we did it!) and ever since then, we've been waiting for something disastrous to occur. Jackie will wake up in a cold sweat at 1:00am and say, "Is our hotel confirmed?" Which then leads our travel agent to think that I am the most obsessive compulsive client he's ever had. But, while writing this, I am looking at our orchestra seat tickets for Jersey Boys, Young Frankenstein, Mary Poppins, Wicked, In the Heights and Boeing-Boeing- so at least we have our shows (my next post will be a trip report).
5. While, this isn't anything I've learned, vote for Thayne and Gev on So You Think You Can Dance- I was in 1776 at Hale with Thayne and Gev has taught my students at Riverton break dancing. See my wife's blog for more details.

1 comment:

Judy Tan said...

OMG--I LOVE 1776. Much of my American History knowledge came from 1776. I am still bummed to think it may not have been all song and dance. I was very disappointed in HBO's John Adams that he didn't sing to Abigail. I really think she could have sang back "John, John, is that you carrying on?" So, I had to sing it to the screen. Greg didn't understand my need to sing "vote yes!....Sit down John!" to the TV, but it made for some fun nights. Have fun in New York! Make sure my dad gets lots of naps. I need him energized for Disney :)